More Double Early Tulips

by Em
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I was so pleased with my Double Early tulips last spring (like ‘Foxtrot’ pictured above) that I ordered more of the bulbs and tucked them into my flowerbeds in October.

Double Early tulips are wonderfully weather-resistant. Shortly after they opened, my tulips were pummeled with rain and wind, but they stayed intact and kept blooming. Even when the temperature jumped from the 40s to the 80s within a week, they took it in stride and continued to put on a lovely display.

Last year I grew ‘Foxtrot’ (pink, above), ‘Mondial’ (white) and ‘Monsella (bright yellow, with blood-red streaks). Any day now, assuming the squirrels and chipmunks behave, I hope to welcome ‘Abba’ (tomato-red), ‘Orca‘ (orange with gold highlights) and ‘Monte Carlo’ (yellow).

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