Amaryllis ‘Dancing Queen’

by Em

Amaryllis ‘Dancing Queen’ has finally unfurled her petals.

The flowers are striped in red and white. I’m surprised at how much red my flowers display compared to photos I’ve seen of this cultivar. The outside edges of the petals are somewhat puckered which gives ‘Dancing Queen’ a very nice frilly effect.

‘Dancing Queen’ grows 20 to 24 inches tall and the flowers are 8 inches across. Of all the amaryllis cultivars I potted up, ‘Dancing Queen’ has the fewest flowers on its first scape—two. However the bulb is already sending up 2 fresh scapes so there will be more blooms to come.

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jamesck18 January 10, 2013 - 2:04 pm

Beautiful. I’ve never tried amaryllis. How long do they last? Do they require direct light to prevent fragile plants? James

Em January 10, 2013 - 3:46 pm

Amaryllis bulbs do prefer a south-facing window while they grow, but once they are in bloom you can prolong the life of the flowers by keeping them out of direct sun. The flowers last about 10 days to two weeks, but the bulbs often send up a second or third scape so you’ll eventually be treated to another flush of blooms. I used to force tulips every winter, but they require a cold treatment for 10 to 12 weeks and I needed the refrigerator space, so for the last two years I switched to amaryllis bulbs instead. You can pot them up right away without any special treatment.

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