Flower Ideas: Show Me…Something Pink

by Em
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Phlox paniculata ‘Bright Eyes’ is a perennial that grows 2-1/2 to 3 feet tall in sun or part-shade. The fragrant flowers are medium-pink with a dark-pink eye. Perennial phlox cultivars are susceptible to powdery mildew, but I’ve had pretty good luck with ‘Bright Eyes’. The flowers appear in mid-summer:

Daylily ‘Helen Shooter’ has huge, 7-inch blooms on a 25-inch-tall plant. The flowers are light pink with a light green throat. ‘Helen Shooter’ is a dormant cultivar that blooms in the middle of the daylily season:

‘Algarve’ is an Longiflorum-Asiatic (L.A. Hybrid) lily that grows 2 to 3 feet tall with medium-pink flowers that mature to a lighter pink. LA Hybrids have strong, sturdy stalks, and the bulbs continue to send up blooms for many years. ‘Algarve’ thrives in sun or part-shade.

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