Early Bloomers

by Em
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I finished planting all my seedlings late last week, and now all I can do is watch them grow and fret whenever I see a giant rabbit sniffing around or hear my weather radio go off with another storm/tornado warning. Both scenarios are occurring quite regularly lately so I’m a little jumpy.

We are experiencing the opposite of last year with regard to precipitation. Last summer I was afraid to start the grill for fear the whole lawn would go up in a puff of smoke. This year when I walk across the lawn, it squishes under my feet. And in the last couple of days I’ve seen a number of turtle carcasses in the road. Even the poor turtles are making a “run” for higher ground!

I sowed seeds for all of my plants about a week or two earlier than usual. I think I may trim back that time just a bit next winter because the weather got a little iffy on me right around the time I normally start planting. If it had continued for another week or so I would’ve had problems keeping the plants sturdy and healthy. The benefit of starting them earlier is that some of them are already blooming like this hot pink little ‘Glorious Mix’ Celosia:

And the blooms of Calendula ‘Deja Vu’ are already making their first appearance:

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