Not-so-orange Marmalade

by Em
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Every year my Hosta ‘Orange Marmalade’ plant loses a bit more of its color. The first year in my garden it looked like this:

Two years later it looked like this:

This year, another two years since the photo above, my plant is almost solid green on top with a handful of cream-colored leaves underneath:

I’m not complaining. I loved the bright-yellow leaves, but ‘Orange Marmalade’ is growing beautifully in a difficult location—under three mature arborvitaes that suck every last bit of moisture out of the surrounding soil.

I’ve tried growing many perennials in that spot, but only ‘Orange Marmalade’ has been able to get along with the arborvitaes and thrive. If it means I only get green leaves with the occasional flash of white or yellow, it’s worth it.

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