‘Kong Mosaic’ Coleus

by Em
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I’ve been singing the praises of Kong series coleus plants for awhile now. This year I sprouted ‘Kong Mosaic’ from seed. The plants grew rather slowly once they were potted up outside, and I lost one to a frantically-digging chipmunk, but they’re finally starting to fill out their pots:

I still like ‘Kong Rose’ the best, but ‘Kong Mosaic’ has jumped ahead of ‘Kong Red’ in my unofficial popularity poll.

‘Kong Mosaic’ has leaves that showcase a kaleidoscope of colors in shades of red, green and creamy-white.

Kong coleus plants grow 2 feet tall and prefer shade. They are easy to sprout from seed, and other than hyperactive chipmunks and the occasional hungry slug, they don’t have any disease or pest problems.

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