LA Hybrid Lily ‘Kentucky’

by Em

One of the lilies that survived “The Great Lily Massacre of 2013” is ‘Kentucky’:

Yes, the flowers are a bit unusual—definitely a conversation piece. They are light orange and splashed with deep-maroon (paprika-colored?) speckles. When you view them from afar, they look almost brown which I like because it’s not a color you see often in an annual or perennial bed.

‘Kentucky’ is an LA hybird (a cross between an Easter lily and an Asiatic lily) that grows on very sturdy stems. The plants grow happily in the sun or even in part-shade. I usually don’t have to stake LA hybrids because their stalks are so robust.

‘Kentucky’ grows 3 to 4 feet tall with massive 8-inch flowers. LA Hybrids bloom from late June into July.

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