*freckles not included

by Em

One of my new Orienpet lilies is exhibiting some mysterious behavior. From every photo I’ve seen of Orienpet ‘Belladonna’, the flowers should be a solid golden-yellow like this:

orienpet bella donna (2)

I planted 3 ‘Belladonna’ bulbs next to one another. The flowers blooming on two of the lily stalks look like the photo above. The third bulb has decided to add a little pizzazz. Its flowers look like this:

I’m not complaining. I looooove lily freckles, so for me this lily instantly went from “eh” to “how adorable!” It will be interesting to see what happens when it blooms next summer, but for now I’ll just enjoy my little surprise.

‘Belladonna’ grows 4 feet tall with huge, 8-inch flowers that have a light fragrance. ‘Belladonna’ is hardy in Zones 5-9.


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jamesck18 August 1, 2013 - 8:34 am

You must be pleased with this lily. Beautiful,especially the second with its freckles! I have two new lilies this summer, but both varities are still in the bud stage. I’ve seen one, a yellow Floro Pleno. This is an older lily; you might be very familiar with it. The second, Lionheart, a black with yellow tips. Of the three Lionheart I planted, one fell prey to some pest and failed to produce buds. Really looking forward to the blooms. Hope they are over before our visit to Toronto the last two weeks in August. If not, I’ll have to rely on our son or a neighbor to take a photo. James

Em August 1, 2013 - 3:02 pm

I love the spots on Fore Plano lilies. I’ve never grown one. I looked up Lionheart and wow, that is one dramatic lily. Now I know why you want someone to take a photo of it if you’re not there to see it bloom!

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