Dahlia ‘Guitar Man’

by Em

I purchased and planted two dahlia tubers this spring, but only one of them sprouted. I’m thinking the other one may have drowned in all the rain we had earlier in the season.

Usually the Japanese beetles make quick work of any dahlias in my flowerbeds (I sprout some from seed too), but there are fewer beetles this summer (yay!) and they seem too preoccupied with destroying my roses to care about the dahlias.

This is ‘Guitar Man’:

‘Guitar Man’ has bright-red flowers splashed with white tips. The flowers aren’t particularly large, so from a distance they look like zinnias.

I like dahlias because while they thrive in full sun, they also bloom happily in light shade, and I’ve got plenty of that.

‘Guitar Man’ grows 2 to 3 feet tall and starts blooming in late July and early August.

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jamesck18 September 1, 2013 - 9:58 am

Beautiful looking dahlia! I have a Fire and Ice that is much the same, but has a little more white. Still in Toronto but will be going home tomorrow evening, God willing. While I’ve been in close contact with family, I haven’t asked how our flowers are doing. When we left only the Fire and Ice and a couple of the smaller dahlias had started to bloom. Lots of buds though. A major wind and rainfall on Thursday and Friday of last week. We are hoping not too much damage was done to our dahlias. James

Em September 1, 2013 - 2:26 pm

I hope your plants survived the storms so you can enjoy the beautiful flowers!

jamesck18 September 3, 2013 - 5:01 pm

We arrived home 1:30 am. The wind and rain storm had done no damage to our plant. The dahlias are full of buds and beginning to flower. One of the Lion heart lilies is still in bloom and several othe lilies, including the star gazers are in bloom. A few others will soon open, including Miss Faye (sp). I’m not too interested in that one because of the down facing flowers. The echinaceas are blooming; they look good, but are basically all the same color. Only one was a shade of red. The Rudbeckia held up very well and give spots of yellows and burgundies to the beds. The remainder of the plants looked great. I am hoping we will have another four or five weeks to enjoy the plants. Will be going to our summer place in a few days to see how the plants there survived three weeks of neglect. James

jamesck18 September 26, 2013 - 8:49 pm

Dahlias were doing very well. The cooler temperatures made the colous more intense. The rain we’ve been having for three days are giving them a beating. Still hoping to get another week or two of drier weather. There are still lots of buds about ready to open. James

Em September 27, 2013 - 10:00 am

This time of year it’s always a race to see if new buds can pop before the season ends. I’ve got buds on my dahlia too. I wish I had known the beetles were going to be so sparse this year. I would’ve tried out several more dahlia cultivars!

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