Alliums to the Rescue

by Em
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After the disappointing tulip and lily season last year I decided to plant something the rodents wouldn’t be interested in—alliums. They are popping up in most of my flowerbeds now. It’s nice to have something to look at while I wait for the perennials to start popping, and the honeybees appreciate having some nectar to gather.

This is ‘Purple Sensation’:

The dark-violet flowers look nice against all the green foliage in my flowerbeds right now. And they make a great companion plant for the classic bleeding hearts that are in full bloom:

I also planted a white allium, but unfortunately it was so cold on the day I planted the bulbs last fall that I was in a hurry and neglected to write down their location. I don’t know if they are slower to emerge or if the bulbs just couldn’t survive the brutal winter.

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