No Hangover Here

by Em
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After I put my gardens to bed in the fall it usually takes me a month or two before I’m in the right frame of mind to even think about what flowers I want to grow next summer. By late December I’m starting to tire of the cold and snow, and that’s when the seed catalogs start showing up in the mailbox to tempt me.

This year I don’t have that garden hangover. Probably because it was one of the best growing seasons I’ve ever experienced. I’m not weary from fighting bugs and rabbits and rainstorms. In fact, I’ve already placed (and received) my first seed order. Swallowtail Seeds just started offering their 2015 seeds and there was a free shipping offer. I couldn’t resist.

I’m still looking forward to devouring those seed catalogs in a few weeks, but I’ll do it while feeling just a little bit smug about being ahead of the game.


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