Amaryllis ‘Brazza’ vs. ‘Pink Surprise’

by Em
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It’s hard to compete with the gigantic, 8-inch flowers of Amaryllis ‘Pink Surprise’ but ‘Brazza’ is no slouch. The colors of the two cultivars are very similar—dark-pink with whispers of coral or salmon. ‘Brazza’ may have slightly smaller flowers, but the petals are thicker, so the color is more pronounced.

My ‘Brazza’ bulb sent up two scapes at the same time that have topped out at 23 inches. The first opened with six flowers. There’s barely room for all of them to strut their stuff. The second scape is just starting to open so the battle for space will get even more intense.

‘Pink Surprise’ has completely out-facing flowers. ‘Brazza’ has outfacing and a few slightly-down-facing flowers, but that may be because all those flowers are just trying to find some room to breathe.

In the strength department, ‘Brazza’ is the clear winner. The scapes are thick and sturdy and stand up straight. ‘Pink Surprise’ is a leaner. I have to turn the pot every morning so those huge flowers don’t topple over onto the floor.

Both cultivars are very showy, but ‘Brazza’ has more flowers and behaves a little better, so I’d have to give it a slight edge over ‘Pink Surprise’.


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