Daylily ‘Tooth’

by Em
1 comment

‘Tooth’ is one of those daylilies you keep around for its workhorse attributes rather than its stunning flowers. It’s not homely by any means, just run-of-the-mill. The flowers are purple with a large golden eye.

‘Tooth’ looks good with many colors in the garden and the plant sends up loads of scapes, so the flowers keep coming for weeks and weeks.

This evergreen daylily grows 32 inches tall. The flowers have a lilac halo that shows up better on a cloudy day or when the plant is shaded. That’s also when the flowers appear more true purple than royal purple.

‘Tooth’ doesn’t give me any trouble, and it rewards me with tons of flowers. So even though it’s not the most exciting daylily, I’m happy to give it a spot in my yard.

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1 comment

ear January 30, 2015 - 12:05 pm

What an interesting name for a day lily! Also, it’s an interesting color. I don’t need anymore day lilies, but if you ever decide to divide “Tooth”, I’ll gladly take a clump of it.
Also, love the colors of your amaryllis that you showed on your blog yesterday. Most of my plants have sent up only one scape at a time. Maybe that’s because I’ve had them for awhile? They just don’t have the oomph to put out more than one or two scapes at a time, much less have so many blooms on one scape. What a dilemma you have, trying to keep those bloomin’ scapes from falling over!

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