Amaryllis ‘Vera’

by Em
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The amaryllis grand finale has arrived. My last bulb to bloom is ‘Vera’. This amaryllis is medium-pink with a lime-green throat. I’ve seen some online-seller photographs of this cultivar sporting a very distinct white throat starting in the center of the flower and flushing into the center of the petals. Other sellers feature photographs of ‘Vera’ looking just like my plant. It’s all very curious. Or, maybe the flowers are just like that blue/black, white/gold dress that went viral last week—the white throat is there but I just don’t see it (bwaaaa haaaa haaa!).

‘Vera’ grew 24 inches tall for me with impressive 7-inch flowers. The first scape has 5 blooms on it, and I like that they are not all opening at once—it extends the blooming period.

I hope ‘Vera’ sends up a second scape, so I can see if the flowers remain consistent.

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