Reliable Royal

by Em

If you want a reliable lily that will give you weeks of beautiful blooms, get your hands on LA Hybrid lily ‘Royal Sunset’.

I’ve been raving about this cultivar for awhile now, but each spring when the flowers open I’m just as excited as when I saw my very first flower unfurl several years ago.

This year ‘Royal Sunset’ bloomed for about 4 weeks. I now have this beauty growing in three different places in my yard. The color is hard to describe. It’s salmon and melon and peach and orange all rolled into one freckled flower.

LA Lilies grow on strong, sturdy stalks and they grow happily in sun or part-shade. Plant the bulbs in late fall and get ready for a treat the following spring.

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ear September 22, 2015 - 7:43 pm

Love this lily, em. I looked on nursery websites to try to find where to buy a bulb (or 2 or . . .). The nurseries I checked are already “sold out” of Royal Sunset for this year. I’ll have to make a note to get some bulbs next year. Or–happy thought on my part–do you have a bulb or 2 to spare? Are you doing any dividing this year of this lily?

Em September 23, 2015 - 3:17 pm

Unfortunately my lilies are all too young to do any dividing. It’s possible some places could sell them again for a short time in the spring. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for you!

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