Geranium ‘Dragon Heart’

by Em
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I have a handful of geraniums (Geranium sanguineum or bloody cranesbill) in my garden. My favorite, ‘John Elsey’ (pictured above), only blooms for a few weeks in the spring, but the beautiful carmine-pink flowers are worth it.

Last year I bought ‘Rozanne’, the Perennial Plant of the Year for 2008. Unlike many other geraniums, it sends up its lovely violet-blue flowers all summer long:

This year my impulse purchase was ‘Dragon Heart’ (pictured below). It’s supposed to have a long blooming period like ‘Rozanne’. I’ve seen conflicting information on its habit, however. Some list it as clump-forming and others say it wanders politely through the flower garden. I’m happy either way. I planted it in my partial-shade garden to cover some holes from a rotting stump.

‘Dragon Heart’ is listed as having magenta flowers, but to me royal-purple would be a better description. I like the velvety dark veins on the petals.

‘Dragon Heart’ grows 2 feet tall (or wide if you believe those that say it wanders) and hails from Scotland. As long as it doesn’t play the bagpipes, it’s welcome in my garden.

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1 comment

Em’s Garden » Geranium ‘Dragon Heart’ Update August 27, 2009 - 6:51 am

[…] quite pleased with my new  ‘Dragon Heart’ geranium. It has lived up to its reputation for blooming all summer long. Next week will be the […]

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