More Plants Come to Life

by Em
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March has decided to go out like a lion, so I took advantage of the sunny day on Tuesday to poke around my flowerbeds again. The first Chionodaxa (Glory of the Snow) bulbs have started to bloom. These adorable little plants are hardy in Zones 3-8. They bloom in shades of lavender-blue, violet, pink and white. I adore the almost-bright-blue color, and I love that rodents are not at all interested in the bulbs. The plants are also deer-resistant:

A few of my tiny species tulips budded out just before we got our mini ice storm last week. Most of the stems are now limp and lifeless, but the flowers are still ready to bloom:

Two of my daffodil cultivars have buds on them. ‘Classic Garden’ grows 16 to 18 inches tall and was the first to bloom in my flowerbeds last spring, too:

Last year ‘Kiss Me’ bloomed about a month later than ‘Classic Garden’, but this year they are both going to bloom at the same time. ‘Kiss Me” grows 12-14 inches tall:

Last spring I planted a Pasque flower. I thought it might have croaked over the winter, but it’s a tundra plant, so I should’ve known better. In the last couple of days it has finally started showing signs of life:

The rodents left my crocuses alone this year, and I have several pretty displays of little purple flowers scattered throughout my yard right now:

I didn’t make a plant tag for these bigger-flowering crocuses I planted a couple of years ago. I even found a small bee in one of them the other day when the temperature was only in the 40s. This time of year the pollinators that venture out early really appreciate any blooms they can find.

And a few of my month-old snowdrops are STILL blooming. Crazy!


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