
by Em
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It’s a dog-eat-dog world in the garden right now. While we are officially running a slight rain deficit there have been many wet days lately. Some of my perennials have grown like gangbusters to the shock of some of their less-aggressive neighbors.

Somewhere behind my happy Geranium ‘Ehlke’ plant is a speckled-red heuchera wondering who turned off all the lights:

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Last year this butterfly weed was two pathetic stalks, but this year there will be plenty for monarch caterpillar larvae to chomp on:

I’ve never seen a ‘Rozanne’ geranium this ambitious. The plant is supposed to grow 20 inches tall. You can’t tell from this photo, but my plant is 3 feet tall and still growing!

The first bloom is open, and it already attracted a pollinator:

But my favorite is this Orienpet lily. It’s over 5 feet tall already and has a ridiculously-thick stalk. I won’t have to worry about staking this one!





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