Allium ‘Graceful’

by Em

I planted some Allium ‘Graceful’ bulbs last fall. When they bloomed recently I was surprised at how small and dainty the plants were.

‘Graceful’ grows only 8-10 inches tall. The flowers don’t appear on little globes like some of the purple alliums you see blooming in late-spring gardens. Instead there are many little florets packed together to give a tiny globe effect.

Each pure-white flower has adorable lavender stamens:

Because alliums like ‘Graceful’ are members of the onion family, they are unattractive to deer or rodents.

I was charmed by the little white flowers. If you do plant some bulbs, be sure to mark their location or you might be tempted to pull out the foliage when it first appears in spring because it resembles blades of grass. Once you pull it and get that oniony scent you’ll realize your mistake (not that I know about that first-hand or anything).

‘Graceful’ blooms in late spring and is hardy in Zones 4-8. The plants look lovely with late-spring-blooming perennials like dark-purple Clustered Bellflowers:




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