November Strong

by Em
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It’s almost mid-November and the nighttime temperatures still haven’t dropped low enough for a heavy frost or freeze in my backyard. I didn’t rip out my annuals yet because the birds are still eating seeds from the flower heads, and I’ve seen plenty of honeybees visiting the flowers on warmer days.

Some of my plants have died out for the year, but others are hanging in there, like ‘Garland Orange’ Marigolds:


There are also a few Park’s Picks Purple Zinnias:

Some of the ‘Moonstruck Lemon Yellow’ Marigolds are going strong:

I thought I’d finally stopped the self-seeding ‘Star of Yelta’ morning glories from appearing (I haven’t planted any since 2005), but a few still snuck by me this fall and are now in bloom:

It’s too bad the hummingbirds have all migrated because I have plenty of happy salvias. This is ‘Lady in Red’:

This is ‘Coral Nymph’:

And this is ‘Lighthouse Red’:

And I still have one pot of blooming flowers that I don’t have the heart to yank out quite yet. My Penstemon ‘Phoenix Purple’ plants are thriving in the mild days and cool nights:





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