Loafing Lagomorphs

by Em
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The rabbit population is just crazy this year. Every time I look out the window, there’s one in my garden. I use Liquid Fence so thankfully they haven’t eaten any of my flowers (yet), but that doesn’t mean the flowers are safe.

Lately I’ve been fighting a mother rabbit that is hellbent on raising a family in one of my flowerbeds. She parts the straw mulch in a 2-foot diameter section and then digs down about 6 or 8 inches, uprooting any plants in her way. So far I’ve discovered the mess before she’s been able to give birth to baby bunnies. I cover up the mess she’s made, tuck the plants back in the ground and the game continues. The next day she chooses another flowerbed and digs another hole. It’s driving me mad.

What’s even worse is that the rabbits aren’t even scared of me. If I come outside, they just look at me.


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