Lost Lilies

by Em
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I don’t think I’ll be treated to this scene like I usually am every late June and early July.

We had a whopper of a wind storm last July that not only knocked our power out for 19 hours, but also snapped off a number of my lilies right at ground level.

When bulbs are done blooming you need to let the foliage die back naturally so nutrients can be absorbed back into the bulb to use as energy for next year’s blooms.

I’m guessing that some of my lilies (like my beloved ‘Royal Sunset’ LA hybrid pictured above) may not come back after being violently snapped off in their prime.

Time will tell if they can rally, but if ‘Royal Sunset’ is AWOL this year, I will probably order some replacement bulbs because this cultivar’s flowers are gorgeous, and the display gets more impressive every year.




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