Pick a Season

by Em

The Climate Prediction Center is promising a warm and wet meteorological spring (March-May) for our area. So far March has been, in a word, whiplash. On the first day of March we got a record snowfall for the date—3.7 inches, and by Friday morning the thermometer dipped to 12 degrees (F).

I bet these daylilies which started popping out the week before when we hit 70 degrees were wondering if they’d made a huge mistake. And a local birder said he saw some flocks of Red-winged Blackbirds “reverse migrating.” They decided they needed to turn back south again for awhile until mother nature could decide on a mood.

Today we’re supposed to hit 60 with rain and a possible thunderstorm, and then it’s back to the 40s for the rest of the week.

Our house is a mess of winter boots and mittens but also spring raincoats and umbrellas. It’s hard to keep up.




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