Marigold ‘Snowball’

by Em

This year I tried a new white mid-sized marigold called ‘Snowball’. I wanted to see if the Japanese Beetles would attack the flowers like they do the large orange or yellow marigolds. Curiously, they mostly left ‘Snowball’ alone.

‘Snowball’ is an easy-to-grow, free-flowering marigold with fluffly white blooms that sit atop bushy, dark-green foliage.

The flowers have a slight lemon-yellow cast to them:

‘Snowball’ grows 24 inches tall and is happy in full sun or part-sun.

The plants need little care except occasional deadheading to keep those flowers coming all summer long.

I started my plants indoors about 6 weeks before my last frost date in mid-May, but you can also direct-sow the seeds in late spring after the soil has warmed and threat of frost has passed.

I was very impressed with ‘Snowball’ and would definitely grow this plant again.



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