A Plethora of Peonies

by Em
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I have thoroughly enjoyed my ‘Moonstone’ Peony this spring. It’s been blooming for a couple of weeks now, and the flowers did a pretty good job of standing up to 8 or more inches of rain. I also brought a few of the flowers inside to enjoy that delicious scent.

I bought another peony in early May, but in the flurry of replacing so many winter-killed perennials, I lost track of where I planted it. The other day when I was weeding I found it hiding under some overly-happy daylilies. I quickly dug it up and moved it to a more open location which just happens to be next to ‘Moonstone.’ When it blooms next year, ‘Shirley Temple’ will have very light pink double flowers.

And I lost a blueberry bush over the winter and stuck a peony in that space, too. ‘Sorbet’ will have light pink and cream-colored flowers.

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