Finally Some Spring Flowers!

by Em
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Before our weekend snowstorm, I finally had some nice color in my flowerbeds. I cut most of my daffodils before the storm arrived and brought them inside to enjoy in a vase. But I left my grandma’s bleeding heart alone, and thankfully it emerged from the snow without harm and is still blooming like crazy.

The daffodils I planted about 10 years ago now are starting to get long in the tooth and not bloom as much, but I still have a few clumps that impress.

My chionodoxa bulbs bloomed almost a month late this year. Thankfully I was able to admire them and snap a few photos before the bunnies ate them to the ground.

And the windflowers always sneak up on me. They have foliage that’s very similar to perennial geraniums, so I usually assume that’s what’s popping out of the ground until the little white and purple flowers surprise me.


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