What Kind of Spring Will it Be?

by Em
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We unofficially started winter on Halloween when we had our first snowstorm. I was worried we’d be buried in 100 inches of snow by December, but the “snow well” quickly dried up and we barely received any snow until this month. Last week it snowed constantly (but lightly) for 3 days straight and everyone quickly got tired of shoveling.

Now the forecast is calling for above normal temperatures through mid-February. I wonder if that means we will get through the season without the frigid below-zero temperatures we typically experience in January and February?

Either way, I’m ready for spring!

Late April and early May is when the flowering crab apple trees and tulips and daffodils are usually at their peak. For the last couple of years we’ve had either very wet and windy conditions or a late-season snow or ice storm during that time which cut blooming time in half or more.

I hope this year will be different and we’ll have more than just a few days to enjoy all the beautiful flowers and the heavenly scents that waft through the air in spring.


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