Plentiful Prairie Plants

by Em
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In the early 2000s I planted 3 Filipendula rubra ‘Venusta’ (Queen of the Prairie) plants in the back corner of our yard to help cover up an ugly telephone pole (which a decade later became 2 poles when the utility company cut the first one in half and put up a new pole next to it—not sure why they never took down the original).

Over the years the plants slowly spread to maybe 5 or 6 or 10 or 12, but now that we’ve had a couple of very wet summers, they have exploded with growth. There’s got to be 50 or more plants coming up this year.

I even had to pull them back from taking over the daylilies in the front row.

Pollinators love these plants that grow 4 to 6 feet tall in zones 3-9. It’s going to be a neat show when they all start blooming later this summer.

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