Orienpet Lily ‘Formia’

by Em
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According to B&D Lilies which sells ‘Formia’, this lily is “named for the little Italian coastal town of Formia, which in the ancient Greek means ‘landing place’, and where to this day the remains of Roman-built breakwaters can still be seen.”

I wanted this Orienpet lily for its gorgeous, dark-fuchsia flowers.

‘Formia’ blooms later than most Orienpets—late July.

The bulbs grow 3-4 feet tall but can get as tall as 6 feet. This was the first time I’ve grown ‘Formia’ and I was a little disappointed with how quickly the plant bloomed and was done for the season.

But lilies always do better their second year in the garden, so I’ll wait until next year before making a final assessment—assuming of course the chipmunks and rabbits don’t devour the bulb in the meantime.

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