Tomato Tests

by Em
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I have lots of these right now. The chipmunks FINALLY let me harvest a few tomatoes without chew marks in them. I would love to let some ripen fully on the vine for better taste, but I dare not take my chances. As soon as my tomatoes show any sign of pink or red, off the vine they come.

Most of my tomatoes ended up on the compost heap this summer and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to devour one of my favorite summer sandwiches—the BLT. But thanks to the kindness of friends and family who donated some of their own vine-ripened tomatoes, my husband and I have enjoyed several BLTs in the last couple of weeks.

My two favorite cultivars of the tomatoes that were so generously donated to us came from my brother-in-law. The first is ‘Hillbilly’ which is an heirloom from West Virginia:

And the second is ‘Rose de Berne’ which is a Swiss heirloom tomato. It has now replaced ‘Cherokee Purple’ as my favorite slicer. Yum!

I wasn’t sure what my favorite flavor profile is, so my husband and I did a taste test of every single tomato I grew or we acquired. Turns out I like fruity better than tangy, and both of these cultivars are more on the sweet side.

I plan to sprout some of my own plants from seeds this winter so I (or the chipmunks) can enjoy them next summer.

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