‘Jersey Girl’

by Em
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‘Jersey Girl’

I have more than 400 daylily cultivars growing in my yard, yet two that I love to divide and fill bare spots with are pretty plain compared to all the rest. They don’t have watermarks or colorful eyes or even fancy petals.

One of them is the screaming orange ‘Mauna Loa’ and the other is the medium pink ‘Jersey Girl’. I’ve grown ‘Jersey Girl’ for almost 15 years now, but during a couple of drought years my original plant didn’t bloom at all, so I was a little concerned.

But once this understated beauty got established, it became one of the longest-blooming daylilies I grow. I’ve since divided my original plant 3 or 4 times throughout the years and have planted those divisions in various places around my yard. All of them bloom for many weeks in the summer.

‘Jersey Girl’ grows 28 inches tall with clear pink blooms and a greenish-yellow throat. The flowers are fragrant, and this dormant daylily blooms in the middle of the daylily season.

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