I wasn’t all that impressed last month when my ‘Exotic Star’ amaryllis flowers opened up. They didn’t open all the way and there were only two flowers on each of the two scapes.

The flowers on scape number three are blooming now and I’m still underwhelmed. There are three flowers rather than two this time, but they still don’t open all the way—they are more trumpet-shaped than other amaryllis cultivars.

The first scapes topped out at 18 inches on a cultivar that’s listed as growing 18-24 inches tall. This third one reached 28 inches tall which just made it look even more sparse at the top with those 3 lonely flowers. I will give ‘Exotic Star’ some points for providing me with 3 scapes, but it was still only a total of 7 flowers.
While it’s definitely different, I will probably pass on growing this one again.