Amaryllis ‘Doublet’

by Em

“Windowsill Gardening Season” was in full swing in my office bay window just before Christmas already thanks to several ambitious Amaryllis ‘Rapido’ bulbs.

But the first non-Rapido cultivar to bloom for me was ‘Doublet’. The flower petals are not very wide compared to other amaryllis cultivars (I lost count at 20 petals on my first bloom), but that’s because those flowers are fully-double.

‘Doublet’ grew 23 inches tall for me and the first scape had 5 flowers on it. A second scape followed quickly with 6 flowers. Those flowers are red and white and are supposed to have striations, stripes and stipples. My blooms were mostly striated.

What I really like about this amaryllis is that the scapes don’t lean toward the sun, but instead stand up straight.

‘Doublet’ is a Dutch amaryllis that is supposed to bloom 8-12 weeks after planting. My was blooming already at week 5!

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