Spring Needs to Chill Out

by Em

Before the latest rounds of snowfall, I took a walk around the yard to see if the much-warmer-than-average December confused any of my bulbs. The answer is yes!

Well hello, daffodils! We have at least 10 weeks of cold and snow coming up, so you’re going to want to be way less enthusiastic about joining us above-ground.

a photo of daffodils emerging from the frozen ground

Snowdrops are very tough little plants, but if they can continue growing this fast they’ll be blooming under 10 inches of snow where no one will see them.

a photo of snowdrops emerging from the frozen ground
a photo of snowdrops emerging from the frozen ground

After mumbling “Oh no!” a half-dozen times as I discovered more and more little green shoots poking out of the ground in various flowerbeds, I’d seen enough.

I pivoted back into our cozy house like those traitor rodents on Groundhog Day. For the sake of my bulbs I hope it buys us at least 6 more weeks of winter!

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