I couldn’t stop taking photos of ‘Yellow Bruse’ Asiatic lily when it bloomed for me for the first time in June.
The flowers are a happy bright yellow with lovely blackish-red brush marks in the center.
Some lily bulb sellers say it’s an outfacing lily, but half the blooms on my plant were slightly downfacing so I had to do some body contortions at times to get good photos.
‘Yellow Bruse’ grows 3 to 4 feet tall and blooms in early July like other Asiatic lilies. This year because of our warm spring, my plant started blooming about 10 days earlier.
Asiatic lilies are easy to grow. In the fall dig a hole 6-8 inches deep in a sunny location. They will bloom in early summer the following year.
‘Yellow Bruse’ would look fantastic growing next to a dark-red lily cultivar like ‘Red Alert’.