Finally a Goodbye to Fall

by Em

Southern Wisconsin experienced so many extra weeks of mild weather this fall that I should be needing a break from flowers and birds by now, but I’m having a hard time letting go and finally welcoming winter.

Maybe it’s because I did so much more hiking and birdwatching this year and really enjoyed it. Winter hiking isn’t as enticing because it involves clomping around in heavy boots and wearing many more layers of clothing.

The Sandhill Cranes have been some of the last birds to migrate south. Jill and I found some gathering in a cornfield last week honking and doing their crane “dances.”

A photo of Sandhill Cranes feeding in a cornfield

We decided to stop by the prairie we discovered and fell in love with this summer. Even in late fall it’s pretty.

A photo of prairie grasses in bloom in various shades of brown
A photo of dried prairie flowers

Soon it will be covered in a blanket of white.

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