Mud Has Sprung

by Em

It’s been very cloudy and foggy lately, but with temperatures in the 40s and flirting with 50, the snow is melting very quickly. When you think of spring, images of tulips and lilacs may come to mind, but first we have to get through the ugly phase. Besides the dreary weather we are treated to snow-flattened grass, mud, piles of birdseed and bird droppings, mud, the horrifying discovery of rodent-damaged shrubs, and did I mention mud?

I did have one interesting surprise this week. The snow finally melted off the barrels on my patio. I planted one with herbs last year, and when I stepped outside the other day I was shocked to see my lemon thyme staring back at me like it was the middle of July. You’d never know it had been buried under several feet of heavy snow since December. Not only was it green, but it was springy and thick like it had just returned from the hair salon.

Spring might not be much to look at right now, but it’s definitely showing some promise.

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ear March 13, 2010 - 1:46 pm

Oh, happy day!! There was life under the snow. There is hope! Can you use the thyme? Or do you have it just as an ornamental? It really looks great!


Em March 14, 2010 - 1:19 pm

I use it for cooking just like regular thyme. It has a bit more tang to it and the fragrance is wonderful!

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