Seeing Red

by Em
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Some of my small tomatoes started ripening several weeks ago, but the real summer treat comes when you can pluck the first big, juicy tomato from the vine.

This Park’s ‘Whopper Cr Improved’ was still warm from the sun when I sliced it for BLT sandwiches. It weighed in at just under 8 ounces.

In all honesty, it can’t beat an heirloom for taste, but I tried to stay with disease-resistant hybrids this year to avoid last year’s disappointment. I’d rather have a good (not great) tomato than no tomato at all. Late blight has already been verified in 5 Wisconsin counties.

The weather has been hot and steamy this week, and I see a lot more red out there. It’s time to rummage around for all my tomato-based recipes!

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