A New Purple for My Palette

by Em
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I’ve been growing Dianthus ‘Amazon Neon Rose Magic’ for quite a few years. It’s easy to sprout from seed indoors, and many of my plants gut out winter and reappear in the spring.

The plants grow 18 to 36 inches on strong stems and don’t have any disease or pest issues.

This year I tried its sibling ‘Amazon Neon Purple’. The color really pops (it’s seen here with Rudbeckia ‘Autumn Colors’):

Now that I know what it looks like, I can experiment a little more with color combinations next summer.

I think ‘Amazon Neon Purple’ would look showy with bright yellow flowers like coreopsis or calendulas. But it might be even more interesting (and challenging) to pair it with something blue or dark purple like a salvia or veronica. And maybe I’ll even get a little wild and grow it with some screaming orange marigolds or zinnias.

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