Mystery Carpet of Green

by Em

My friend and I visited Governor Dodge State Park over the weekend in hopes of seeing flora or fauna that would remind us that spring is just around the corner. Thanks to the mini-blizzard last Monday night, the trails looked like this and even some of the park roads were closed because they hadn’t been plowed.

We did see a sign of spring, but it was a bit strange. The little stream that tumbles over Stephens’ Falls is covered with some kind of green plant:

Whatever it is, it looks very strange amidst the snowy surroundings. We couldn’t get any close-up photos because it was a steep, slippery drop from where we were standing, but we could see that the green is made up of millions of tiny leaves—each slightly bigger than a four-leaf clover.

I’m guessing it’s probably something evil and invasive considering that overnight temperatures last week were all in the mid-teens. That certainly would’ve killed any respectable plants.

Invasive or not, it still gave us a thrill to see something green and growing!



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