Critter Count 9-2-08 (a tally of the critters in my yard)

by Em
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Time: 1 p.m.

Conditions: Sunny and 89 degrees

Observed from: the backyard

Notes: We haven’t hit 90 degrees yet this year, but the afternoon is young and we’re already only 1 degree away. It’s been so pleasant this summer that this hot day has come as quite a shock to the system. Just ask the “melting” squirrel I discovered cooling his belly in the grass. There is a line to use the birdbaths!

I’m a little sad today because my homing pigeon is finally gone. Every day for the last 6 days she’s appeared out of nowhere to visit my birdfeeders and hang out on my or my neighbor’s roof. Today she was missing in action. At first I was optimistic that she’d finally decided to fly home to Milwaukee, but while outside this afternoon I found white feathers everywhere. I figured it would only be a matter of time before a hawk would find her. It’s kind of hard to hide when you’re BRIGHT WHITE and insist on sitting on dark rooftops.

Today’s Count:

  • 10 grackles
  • 4 Gray Squirrels
  • 4 chipmunks
  • 1 Cardinal
  • 2 White-breasted Nuthatches (the first I’ve seen in months)
  • 3 Chickadees
  • 1 Blue Jay
  • 4 House Sparrows
  • 6 bathing-beauty Robins
  • 1 Monarch Butterfly
  • 0 homing pigeons 🙁

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