Dozens of Jobs Saved or Created

by Em

Some of the snow has melted, but there’s still no sign of my favorite shovel. The good news is I’ve finally found a use for the neighborhood squirrels. I’ve hired them to dig for my beloved shovel. I’m offering a can of unsalted peanuts to the first beast that finds it.

They work very slowly, but it beats waiting until spring.

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ear December 18, 2009 - 3:59 pm

Hooray for squirrels! At last I know their purpose in life!! How many cans of peanuts have you buried and are they all over the yard? I can send some “helpers” over if you need more squirrels to help dig!!

Em December 18, 2009 - 4:07 pm

That’s a very generous offer, but I’m already up to my ears in “helpers”! 🙂

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