Signs of Spring

by Em
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I guess it’s appropriate that the first flower to bloom in my yard this year is a snowdrop. They’re supposed to flower in late February or early March, but considering the weather these last couple of months I can understand why the plant is a little confused.

Thankfully the snowdrop was not alone. My first tulip also bloomed. Okay, so it’s only a 6-inch-tall species tulip, but I’ll take it!

I’ve also spotted a few migrating birds this week including a cowbird, a Brown Creeper and a Ruby-crowned Kinglet. And the goldfinches have finally grown in all their summery-yellow feathers:


It’s been another chilly week with snow showers in the forecast a few times (although I never saw any flakes), but this weekend we are FINALLY going to break the spell and enjoy a few days of temperatures in the upper 60s and low 70s.

The parks and biking trails and hiking paths and farmer’s market are going to be flooded with pasty-white, cabin-fevered individuals venturing out of their homes without a jacket for the first time since last October.

I can’t wait to fling open all the windows and throw a hunk of meat on the grill!

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