Come Back, ‘Jersey Girl’!

by Em
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This is daylily ‘Jersey Girl’. It has cool, pink 6-inch blooms on 28-inch scapes that blend beautifully with just about any plant in the garden. Unfortunately, mine didn’t bloom last summer. Although I’m often guilty of moving plants around a lot, I haven’t moved ‘Jersey Girl’ since the very day I added it to my garden. The light and soil conditions were identical to the year before when it bloomed like crazy, so I don’t know what suddenly made it unhappy.

Maybe it was pooped out from blooming so heavily the previous year. Maybe our July drought made conditions too stressful for it to put energy into flowers. I’ll never know for sure.

I’m the most impatient gardener in the world, so when it didn’t bloom, I dug up ‘Jersey Girl’ and moved it to the sunniest spot in the garden. If it doesn’t send up flowers this year, at least I’ll know where to point the finger.

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