Strawberry Wars

by Em
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I was very excited to receive a pot of strawberry plants for my birthday from my sister and family. One of the plants even had a green strawberry on it.

I placed the pot inside a ring of wire fencing that protects one of my potted tomato plants. I figured at least the bunnies couldn’t get to it. I forgot about the chipmunks. I was watering all my pots recently when I noticed the strawberry was turning red. I bent down to examine it and was not pleased to discover my precious berry already had a bite taken out of it. GRRRRRRR.

I got out a roll of deer fencing and used it to surround the wire ring. Then I used landscape staples to keep the fencing tight to the ground so nothing could get under it either. We’ll see what happens.

Thankfully my new strawberry plants are everbearing and they already have new blossoms. Maybe I’ll get to enjoy a strawberry yet.


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