Daylily ‘Adamas’

by Em
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I used to think flowers like this were gaudy. They just looked a little too “overly-bred” for my tastes, but nowadays I’m happy to welcome any new shapes, sizes and colors to my flowerbeds.

This is Daylily ‘Adamas’:

The plant only grows 23 inches tall, but the flowers are big—6 inches across. The official registered color is “orchid with plum violet eye and edge above green throat.” I would describe the color as salmon with a smoky-purple eye and edge.

‘Adamas’ is an evergreen daylily which means it keeps its foliage all year-round. Supposedly an evergreen daylily might not be as hardy in the far northern growing zones. However, I’ve never lost one, and I’ve grown quite a few evergreen daylilies over the years.

‘Adamas’ is a mid-season bloomer. My plant had a great bud count and bloomed for almost 6 weeks last summer.


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