We’re Making Progress

by Em
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We just missed breaking a record low cold temperature the other night, and we’ve awakened to snow on the ground a few mornings this week, but my perennials are still awakening from their winter slumber. I was pleased to see that my ‘MinnRuby’ mum is still alive:

Some of my species tulips are worse for the wear thanks to that low temperature in the teens the other night. Their little buds are lying limp on the ground. However my crocuses still look happy:

I’m not sure if this is rodent damage or frost/freeze damage, but my ‘Buttered Popcorn’ daylily looks a little rough. Thankfully, daylilies are tough and this shouldn’t cheat me out of blooms later in the season:

The sedums are growing like crazy. It’s as if they adore a good old-fashioned nasty winter:

I was surprised to see some leaves peeking out from my ‘Grand Parade’ monarda plant:

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And my favorite is the blueberries. They managed to survive the desiccating winter winds. I see buds!


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