Whiplash Winter

by Em
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Winter has been very moody this year. We jumped so quickly into arctic temperatures in November that I feared we’d be popsicles by January, however December temperatures were mild.

Thanksgiving was snowy and white, but Christmas was brown. January temperatures started the month well below normal and ended the month slightly above normal. By last week there was just patchy snow on the ground and I could even see daylily foliage. On Saturday I was filling the bird feeders without a coat on. The temperature was 20, but because the sun’s rays are already stronger I wasn’t chilly. I woke up the next morning to an entirely different world.

It’s impossible to tell how much snow fell overnight and throughout the day yesterday because there was so much blowing and drifting. It was definitely 6 inches or more. It’s probably a good thing my daylilies are buried again because by the end of the week the temperatures will be dipping below zero.

Winter has been a roller coaster ride, but there are already signs of spring. I can see out the window at supper time, and last week I heard a Cardinal and a House Finch practicing their songs for the spring breeding season.

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