5 Long-blooming Daylilies for Your Garden

by Em
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At one point I had over 500 daylilies growing in my yard. I’ve since pared that number down a bit to make room for other perennials, but I kept all of my top performers. Here are 5 easy-to-grow daylilies that bloom like crazy:

‘Pandora’s Box’ has been around a long time (it was registered in 1980) and that’s because you can rely on this cultivar to give you weeks and weeks of creamy, purple-eyed flowers. ‘Pandora’s Box’ has scapes that reach only 19 inches tall so it makes a good front row plant for a perennial border. The 4-inch, fragrant flowers appear early in the daylily season:

‘Bahama Butterscotch’ is a beautiful daylily with 4-inch flowers in a dazzling shade of sunrise-orange. This is another short-statured cultivar. The plants send up 18-inch scapes that are just loaded with buds, and the flower show goes on for weeks. I like to plant ‘Bahama Butterscotch’ with yellow flowers. The combination of colors gives one of my partial-shade areas a warm, sunny glow:

‘Custard Candy’ has been identified as one of only a handful of daylilies that routinely sends up nearly 500 blooms in a season. The color isn’t particularly spectacular, but it’s hard to be picky when this carefree plant is providing you with up to 8 weeks of flowers.

‘Custard Candy’ is a 1999 Stout Silver Medal winner and grows 24 inches tall with cream-colored flowers that have a maroon eye:

‘Fooled Me’ is also on the list of daylilies that can yield as many as 500 blooms in a season. ‘Fooled Me’ grows 24 inches tall with 5.5″ golden-yellow flowers that have a contrasting dark-red eye. The petals also show a slight red edge. This cultivar really glows in a flowerbed. ‘Fooled Me’ blooms in the middle of the daylily season:


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