I Control Spring (or So I Tell Myself)

by Em

Every winter I get a little overly-excited when it’s time to place my flower seed orders. Part of it is a power trip. If I can coax some seedlings to life inside my house when it’s still 3 degrees and snowy outside, it’s a big ol’ poke in the eye to winter. You will not win! I will make spring come!

I also have amnesia this time of year. It’s amazing how in just a few short months I can forget all the hailstorms, powdery mildew, ravaging rabbits and, worst of all, Japanese Beetles that may torture all the plants I try nurture from seed.

But each growing season is different and deserves to be viewed with a fresh perspective. Maybe the weather will be more calm this year. Maybe most of the Japanese Beetle larvae were killed off by all that freezing and thawing. Maybe the foxes that are bounding through the neighborhood this winter will stick around and keep the rabbit population at bay for the rest of the year.

I have no idea what challenges the next gardening season may bring, but I’m ready to do my part to make spring come as soon as possible.






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jamesck18 January 28, 2017 - 12:17 pm

You’ve been posting beautiful pictures. Our weather has been mild for the past few days, but a much colder Feb is projected.
What type of soil do you use to start your seedlings in? I buy small bags from a local nursery. Have you ever tried promix? Soon will be that time to to get appropriate seeds. And as you noted we don’t know the ‘challenges’ the weather will bring! But we must be optimistic! James

Em January 29, 2017 - 11:07 am

Thanks, James! I’ve never tried Promix, but it looks like good stuff. I use the seed-starting mix from the Gardener’s Supply Company in Vermont:

It was warmer here too the last few weeks, but unfortunately that translated to a lot of icy days for us. We have a very steep driveway so Yaktrax on our shoes were a must to prevent falls. I’m ready for spring!

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